fringe glimmer collection
select your style
(?) what are the sizes of bouquets?
Standard-sized bouquets are shown in the pictures. However, you can select Small as well. Approximate sizing in centimeters of the bouquet are specified in the descriptions of the bouquet details on the right-hand side.
(?) will I get exactly the same bouquet?
We guarantee all main flowers that have been stated on the description for each bouquet on the order page.
As we aim to use the freshest and in-season flowers, the rest of the side flowers will be adapted seasonally. Though our florists will keep the harmony on each bouquet design and adapt with variations.
For any customized bouquets, or any special instruction on the flower use, please leave us a note when placing your order, or contact us directly via Whatsapp or email. Please also note that all the bouquet pictures are referring to Standard size.